Saturday, December 11, 2010


I remember many a time coming home from Austins house [early] while we were dating, frustrated and annoyed. At the time I was just upset because I was hanging out by myself while Austin studied. I thought this was so lame. There was many a conversation between us consisting of me just begging him to take a break, to forget studying and just be with me, some nights were so hard. I'll be the first to admit I hate being bored and being alone. Study time and homework became my very worst enemy I wont even go into finals week! [sadly I wasn't even the one who was doing the studying and homework! hmmmm selfish much? ha ha] Needless to say this became to big a big blessing in disguise!
After a while of dating I simply learned the routine, homework, study, online quizzes, then hang out. I learned quick that relaxing Sundays were actually wake up early and study before church then directly after church and late until it was time for bed days. I learned that days off for Austin didn't mean days off it meant wake up early and study ALL day- NO breaks until his head pounded so hard he could barely talk, then and only then was the homework and studying put away for a break. That headache usually left a pretty uptight and not so enthused boy to hang out with! But what a good sport he still was.
I learned to appreciate this. As time went on and we became more and more serious I was so grateful for this quality Austin had. I knew if he was that dedicated to school work, then it was a way of life for him. He never gives up, his effort is never less then 110%, he is motivated to achieve any goal despite all else going on around him.
With all that being said, I am so excited to announce that he did it, he succeeded, all those long nights, all those tests, dumb group projects, late night study jams, it paid off! December 10th was a great day! I couldn't be any more proud of my graduate! I'm so lucky to have him in my life! I'm grateful for all that he has taught me, he has blessed my life more than even he knows! Good Job Austin! I love you!
One Handsome Dude!
The people that made it all possible! Love them!

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