Monday, December 13, 2010


Like I have mentioned, December 10 was a great day! I dare say I was more excited than Austin, ha ha I didnt sleep all to well. That could have been because I still had so much to do to get ready for a great day! I woke up early and met my mom to drive down to Marine Products to get Aust a graduation present from my parents:
We were pretty happy with our purchase especially cuz we got lots of free Ronix stickers as well! Than it was off to Ross to find something to wear, we had success. We were rushing through the isles but found something pretty fast, I was pleased so off we went.

By this point I was on the verge of running late because I still had my hair and make up to do so, back home I went while my mom ran another errand for me (bless her heart! shes the best!) This next present was for a bigger surprise later!

I got ready, Austin ironed his gown, then off to the ceremony we went. It was long, but he was towards the end so the anticipation kept us all alert. My parents, Austs parents and grandparents are were there to support him!

After the ceremony Austins parents took us out to eat to Texas Road House, it was excellent! For graduation Austins parents got him a class ring, its pretty cool, the coolest part would have to be the wakeboarder he got custom!
He didnt stop looking at it all day! It turned out perfect, what a great gift! I got him a gym membership & some muscle vitamins! We still have to go pick out his gym of choice! Right after dinner we went up to Layton to meet my family for dinner at Red Robin, we were obviously stuffed, so we just shared a shake! It was also my nephews birthday so we spent a second to celebrate with him! Last but not least came the best surprise. I blindfolded Aust and drove him all over so he was clueless of where we were going. We ended up at Boondocks where we met Nick (it was his b-day and he also graduated so his wife and I set up the surprise) We walked them into the party room where we took off their blindfolds to surprise them. We got a hold of everybody (friends and family) and they were all there to help celebrate! It was so fun, we spent the night bowling, laughing, and having fun. What a great day. Thanks to all who made it special and helped us celebrate!


  1. I have to say I am quite jealous you all went out to eat without me. that just bites! I hope you guys all missed me, and it wasn't the same :( haha but congrats austin! and we will have to go out to eat when I get home! love ya!

  2. It was great seeing you tonight! You are such a cute wife to go all out for your husband's graduation :)
