Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Birthday

To the best friend ever!
Lara Lou!
23 things I love about Lou:

1. Her random sense of fashion. She can put the absolute weirdest things together and make it work, not only make it work, totally rock it.

2. Her driving, boy do I miss that. (I think?)

3. Her momma, Twanda

4. Naming cars, not just any name, very thought out names.

5. Her heel collection

6. Making harder than a rock Mac N Cheese with her.

7. Giving Annie cat nip and laughing endless hours.

8. Shes the best shopping buddy ever, even when its very last minute.

9. Playing at the princess park, many times in princess dresses.

10. Henna and Lava

11. Stealing siblings cars... (borrowing??) as we solve boy drama, getting stranded, running home in heels.

12. The days of 4 wheeling through the mud.

13. Watching ridiculous movies- Duck soup? (stupid much?) (lol love you lou!)

14. Girls night with bobby, rock band, chips and dip.

15. Driving through the Ford dealership. Again, and again, and again!

16. Listening to Christopher telling us scary stories on the train tracks!

17. Family game nights, writing down on the crazy nonsense that went on without paying any attention.

18. Bowling nights

19. Holi Krishna, that is, before it became BYU's tradition. lol!

20. Endless Zoo days. (At least I wish they were still endless :( )

21. Her crazy sense of humor/ giggle fits.

22. Her unique taste in music.

23. I love her because she is simply the best. She has always been there for me no matter what, through thick and thin! She made growing up the best. Our memories, inside jokes, and stories are endless and I love that we could be best friends, I HATE that she lives so dang far away (DARN CHRISTOPHER!)

Hope you have a great day! Happy Birthday! Love you Lara lou!

ps. I hope you party party party!

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