Monday, October 25, 2010


I seriously hate, more than ANYTHING being cold. This week has made me so sad, I HATE winter, Utah is certainly not the state for me. But on the plus side I do love winter activities, Christmas, Fall, Snowboarding (tho I am done after about 4 hrs) the first snow fall (its pretty to look at, just not pleasant) etc. etc. I was reminiscing over last winter, what good times we had! I sure do love that boy, I'm glad we are the best of friends and have the very best memories, only more to come! Thanks babe!

@ the temple square lights

Notice my coat& snow. This was Austins crazy idea, a lemonade stand in the middle of November. Ha Ha Ha it was so much fun, we actually made $12 dollars!

Austin taught me how to snowboard. He was such a trooper! I'm sure it wasnt fun waiting for me to slowly make my way down the mnt, lifting me off the lift I was terrified of, listening to me whine about how cold I was and how bruised my butt felt after falling constantly, etc. and he still told everybody I did a great job and was a fast learner! YA RIGHT! How did I get so lucky?

Last but not least. This was my christmas present last year from Aust (and bindings from the in-laws!) Hot pink and very sparkly wakeboard. Once again YAH for summer sports! I'll stick with those! :)

1 comment:

  1. I loathe the cold too....yes, loathe. It is worse than hate!
