Friday, November 19, 2010


We had a great October, its hard doing all the festivities when your so darn busy! But we were able to get plenty of play time in! We were able to take an awesome trip down to St. George and Vegas with friends... it was such a blast! I'm so grateful Austin has such a great group of friends who all married awesome chicks that are fun to hang out with!

Add ImageOne of my friends just got married. It was so fun to be there with all the girls and spend that special day with her, I also feel blessed to have become so close to so many great girls. This month was full of lots of big changes happy and sad and I'm so glad we could all be there for each other!

We finally got the bike out of the shop so we decided to take one last ride up to Park City to go shopping! We had success. I got an adorable hoody and Austin got some new shirts! Plus we had a great time together and on our beloved bike!
Well that pretty much wraps up our month. I dont have pics of Halloween, we just hung out with friends and had a party it was fun, we both dressed up for work and had some fun with that! Hope you are all doing great!

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