Monday, March 19, 2012

11 Things:

1. Post these rules.

2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 13 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/facebook and tell them you've tagged them.

11 Random/Quirtky things.

1. I hate using cruise control. It makes me feel completely out of control, I wont use it- Ever.
2. When I really like what I'm eating, I unknowingly dance in my chair. Aust always knows when I'm happy about dinner!
3. I will never, I repeat NEVER leave my house without my toes painted.
4. I have an irrational fear of people choking. When we bbsat my sisters kids, it wasn't the dirty diapers or napping or 5 days alone with them that scared me. It was the fact that I would have to feed them 4 times a day with the potential of someone choking. Its not just when kids choke either, even when aust coughs at dinner, I freak.
5. My socks never match. In fact I hate when they do.
6. I have anxiety with talking to people at church. This weirdness only happens at church and everybody thinks I'm incredibly shy which I am the furthest from being except when at church. I dont know when I picked this up or even why- but its a problem, I seriously turn bright red and stutter my words. 3 Hrs of church is usually anxiety ridden! Maybe now that Aust is in the Elders Quorum I can meet lots of people, who knows??
7. When I get obessessed with a new song I listen to it on repeat for about 2 weeks. Just that song, no others. Currently its "All about us.", by He is we.
8. I can dislocate my femur bone. I'm sure its not healthy nor normal but its looks crazy and it's always a good party trick.
9. I hate salad/lettuce. I've never met anybody who dislikes it as much as I. Its sad because I'll make Aust a salad for lunch and the whole time I think how delicious it is and I'll continually try it again but without fail, I gag. I hate it.
10. When Aust wakeboards I feel like a celebrity wife. I know that sounds hilarious but I think its the coolest thing and luckily we have never been boating with somebody who can out jump/flip/or roll like he can. So everybody thinks he's amazing which makes it even better!
11. My senior year of highschool, my date and I wore duct tape apparel.
12. My favorite ride at Lagoon is the tilt a whirl, no fail every time I get this obnoxious giggle and tap my feet while getting a good spin.
13. And possibly the weirdest thing about me. When I get excited I uncontrollably clap/ rubber my hands together really fast while making squealer noises. HAHA! I'm sure that's a weird mental picture but if you know me in the slightest you have encountered this on a million occasions, its doesn't take much!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

All growed up.

You're going to think I am absolutely crazy after I get done telling you of the realization I had last week. The realization that I am grown up. I do those grown up things that once upon a time seemed so far away, so distant. For just one moment I was sad, thinking just how insanely fast life goes by.

I had just gotten home from school, it was 8:50PM I was starved, as was the babe who always waits for me to eat! (Love that about him!) I finished making the dinner that he had started for us. We ate, I was almost to exhausted to even talk over dinner! Anyways we cleaned up dinner and the bed I went. While lying there I was thinking how tired I was and that the alarm would come too early. Then it hit me. I will wake up in the morning, same time as yesterday, and the day before. I will quickly get ready and then just like a programmed car, I will be taken effortlessly to work, arriving early, cuz that's what I do. Everyday.

I'm grown up.

I have a one of those jobs, ya know the ones you're dads always had growing up, the ones they went to everyday regardless. No more of this running into work on Mondays to see what shifts I have that week, no more getting shifts covered so I could hang out with friends. I have a retirement fund, full benefits. I pay a mortgage. This is weird. I am grown up.

I was reminiscing over high school pics and memories. Those were certainly some of the best times of my life, I loved every minute of it! I had the best friends, the craziest experiences. I got lectures when I was 15 min late coming home. I argued with my little sister over who got the stand in front of the mirror vs. behind the other person while getting ready. My room was always messy, driving around was the coolest thing to do, gas prices didn't matter! Life was good.

Then Aust's episode of the office got over and he came to bed. I suddenly forgot all about how good it was back then, forget then, life is good now. Life is perfect. I like being grown up! I love that I am married to the sweetest boy. I love everything about him and for loving me. I am grateful that I love work, even on the worst days my co-workers will make up for it. I'm okay with the mortgage, that just means we have an adorable place I get to decorate, its ours and I love that!

So I guess my point here is that growing up isn't so bad after all, I wouldn't trade it for anything.